
I love lists. This page is a list of lists, describing my interests that range from computers to history, and everything in between. These are items that I keep coming back to. Books, papers, and blog posts are either linked to my own notes or Amazon links (non affiliate).


  1. Designing Data Intensive Applications
  2. Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach
  3. Operating Systems - Three Easy Pieces
  4. Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
  5. The bitcoin whitepaper
  6. How UPI works
  7. What every programmer should know about memory
  8. Latency numbers every programmer should know


  1. The Art of Problem Solving
  2. Project Euler
  3. IMO Problems


  1. Putting ideas into words
  2. Pluripotent
  3. How to speak


  1. This Discovery of India
  2. The French Revolution


  1. Hinduism


  1. Wisdom

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